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Manage your Cannabis Association simply and easily

Dispensary Management

Manages the stock and dispensation of the association’s genetics.

Members Management

Manages the registration, cancellation and renewal of the members’ memberships.

Common drinks and snacks

Manages the stock and dispensing of the association’s drinks and snacks.

Designed by a Club in operation

We work hard to offer all the comforts and functionalities so that you and your members can enjoy the Association in the most pleasant way possible, offering you a unique management and communication channel so that you only have to enjoy your Cannabis Association. Do you have any improvements in mind? TELL US! We are constantly developing and if it is an improvement for you, it is an improvement for everyone.

“With GestionCannabica, managing my club is much easier and I can spend more time playing and having fun with my members and friends.”

Julian Kohlmetz

Cannabis Gaming Club treasurer


Contact us and we will solve all your doubts.